AC7AC replied to N2WN, concerning use of CWr:
There is really only one reason for switching sidebands in CW: to help you
avoid QRM. If another signal is close but not zero beat with the signal you
are copying, changing sidebands (CWn to CWr or vice versa) will change the
amount of separation between them.
Another (admittedly not so obvious) reason is that as you tune across
the band search & pouncing on stations (like I think Julian mentioned),
if you use CWr you could tune the band in the opposite direction from
others & still have signals falling in tone as you tune across them
(direction of tuning that I suspect we all prefer).
If you are tuning across the band & the same station keeps beating you
each time you stop to call somebody, this trick could help get you out
of "sync" with him & much of everybody else (probably even more so if
you are just chasing DX during a contest with a QRP Elecraft rig, or with
marginal antennas or whatever).
73, VR2BrettGraham
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