Actually.. you will have an issue. "K2" is an official registered "brand" used on cattle from a particular ranch here in AB. It is registered with US customs at all border crossings. If the radio is less than 32 months old you might get it back in, but theres really no guarantee.


Brian Mury wrote:

On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 13:30 -0500, Charles Greene wrote:
Hey all you VE's,

I realize this is off topic, but I need some information. I am going to drive to Ontario next week on business and I have my mobile rig in the car. I didn't intend to operate it, but can I bring it along and bring it back in? I hate to take it out; it's such a hassle :-)

You should have no problem bringing it into Canada. Taking it back into
the US is up to US Customs! :-) I don't know how the US handles this; in
Camada, I can take items to Canada Customs and they will give me a
"green card" listing the items and their serial numbers. When I return
to Canada, that is my proof that I did not buy the item on my trip to
the US, so I won't get charged taxes at the border.

BTW, you can operate in Canada. As an Extra class, you will have full
privileges in Canada. Just sign as W1CG/VE3 (for Ontario), which you
would pronounce on voice as "W1CG mobile VE3", or "W1CG portable VE3" if
you set the rig up out of the car.

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