Bob, G3VVT wrote:

I would recommend holding the RFC15 leads 
next to  it's body with fine needle nosed pliers and then bending the free
end of 
 the lead to the required shape. That way strain is kept off the component. 
Some  disagree with this method, but it does work successfully for me at
There are other components in the K2 that benefit from such gentle

That's an excellent point. 

I wince when I see someone grab lead with the needle-nose pliers next to the
part body and make a sharp bend by rotating the pliers. If those pliers
happen to touch the body while they're being rotated, they act like a lever
and can exert literally pounds of strain force pulling the lead out of the
part while only a few oz. of force is applied rotating them. Cracked part
bodies, pulled-out leads and broken connections are very common when leads
are bent that way. 

I'm a great believer in "finger bending" leads. That is, I hold the part in
one hand and use a finger on my other hand to bend the lead, with no tools
at all. That almost always produces the correct radius for the part to drop
into the board with minimal force on the body. If the bend must be tighter,
I can usually do it by simply pressing on the bend toward the body of the
part to make it a little tighter. That way the force is toward the part, not
away from it. 

Bob's approach is even more gentle, provided one doesn't move the pliers in
relation to the part and there's room for the width of the plier jaws before
the bend starts.  


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