Greetings from down-under,
                                        I believe it may make me feel a little 
better if I share this embarrassment with the group.
My T1 kit which was shipped on March 21 arrived a few days ago and yielded the 
usual perfect inventory, but of course the shipment preceded the Rev. A-1 
errata (March 29) so I was short of two 1 watt 51 ohm resistors and an FT47-43 
toroid which knowing the Elecraft service ethic are probably on their way to me 
now, however, carefully reading the assembly manual I saw that there were two 
components that could be loaded before the first 51 ohm was required namely the 
two female BNC connectors so I thought I would get started.
I carefully aligned the connectors per the instructions and did a creditable 
soldering job on both --- on the WRONG SIDE of the board --- shock! horror! and 
a large measure of embarrassment.
I don't have any sophisticated de-soldering equipment and promptly decided that 
a new board must of necessity be the solution, so a quick Email to Scott and 
Brian was sent, but minutes after doing this a long dormant adventurous streak 
within me manifested itself and kept saying 'there must be a way, there must' 
and there was!
It took a board vice, two soldering irons (one in each hand) and the XYL 
suitably protected with heat proof gloves to perform the extraction and the 
task was accomplished --- the through plating undamaged and the board still 
looking pristine --- quite proud of myself, oops ourselves, and the earlier 
embarrassment just a little bit diminished.
Another Email to Scott and Brian cancelling the earlier one, and now I'm just 
waiting on two 1 watt 51 ohm resistors because I found a spare toroid in the 
junk box.

Cheers from Bill Scovell / VK4SQ 
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