I'm wondering about this K2 mojo that I keep reading about.

Went into the shack last night about 23:30 UTC, turned on the K2, selected 20m, tuning rate to 1kHz and had a quick tune up and down to check for activity. Hmmm big pileup there on 14.202MHz. Fine tune, lots of static so dial in the KDSP NR, and choose a narrower filter (AF2).

Good operator working the pile up - he's actualling giving his own callsign regularly! It's K9LZJ/PJ2 - Wheres that? Ahhhh he's anouncing that too Curaco Island hmmmm fire up the laptop to look it up, it's the Netherlands Antillies.

He's only about S3 so I don't suppose I'll break the US pileup from here (I can hear the US stations 9+30 or so and he's bound to be beamed that way), but lets give it a go. He's tuning up and down a few tens of Hz so work out which way he's going and set an ambush. Wait for QRZ and give a call - damm doubled him, wait for QRZ again, give a call - nearly fell off my chair when he came straight back and gave me a 55.

Must be that mojo thing I guess. Well I suppose I was cheating by using VP8 mojo as well. Do two mojos add or multiply?

Chris - VP8BKF

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