Before the moderators close this thread down (or introduce their own kit!) some thoughts from G - land.

For basic testing equipment the best route is definitely to go through e-Bay and buy 10-15 years old professional equipment. The "feel" of this generation is also like the K2, with a similar style of interface. But it is much better to use trustworthy suppliers. We all have some bad stories.

I use a Tek 2445A scope and a Marconi 2019A sig gen bought this way. Plus items like an HP step attenuator.

If anyone would like to know some trustworthy guys on UK eBay, write off line.

But almost everything else I use is kit or home brew. Kit from guys like Oak Hills. AADE and N0XAS.

The Autek AA is an exception. It is excellent value for aerial adjustment - apart from the human interface which is neither cold finger nor cold brain friendly.

Thanks for the battery saving on - off switch grommet idea.
Has anyone built a sturdy slow motion drive for the tuning?  Let me know!

I'm currently building both an N2PK VNA and a W7ZOI spectrum analyzer adapter.

The N2PK provides both through DUT and bridge capability 0-60 MHz.

It needs a computer with a parallel port which can use pre - XP direct communication. There is cheap German software available to work via XP through a genuine parallel port. It may not work through a USB parallel port emulator. There is talk of a faster version with slightly lower dynamic range for real time sweeps.

The boards are still available from Italy. The G3SEK site has details.

You need the courage to tackle SMD and either experience or an elmer to help check out power supply, etc. Plus perseverance collecting the components if you are in the UK. But this is serious gear for 0 -60MHz at an amazing price.

The W7ZOI SA kits are still available from Kanga US. The construction is through board plus Manhattan. The IF filter is very fiddly to tune, and really needs building a low power RF meter as well.

You also need to build an extra narrow crystal filter (which is a learning curve in its own right) since the basic SA is, like other simple SAs, great fun but not really valuable as a test instrument.

You must spend a lot of time on RF screening, particularly if a tracking generator is included. It is built in modular sub units in Hammond boxes (Eddystone boxes, as they should properly be called, having been invented over here) each of which needs its own SMA or BNC connectors and through caps for power supply and controls. It also needs a +/- 15v supply.

The metal work means you need a friend with a half inch drill capacity bench pillar drill too!

And it also helps to have a friend with a professional SA running up to 150MHz to help set it up if you get lost...

So why bother?  Something about amateur radio being "self tuition"?

If you love building instruments as well as radio and want to tackle SMD, start with the N0SS CW detector for the K2 and move on to the K2PK VNA.

If you want to master RF screening, ladder filter construction and adjustment and the disappearing skill of RF metal working, build the W7ZOI SA.

And if you are a busy semi- professional or much more interested in being on air than in building instruments,, build a really, really big, strong, bench and save up for some of the fabulous solid state professional boat anchor gear now coming onto the market, through people you trust, on eBay.


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