
I read the manual for the KXAT1 and the advice for
antennas states that short whip antennas should only
be used in emergencies.

Text of the manual included below.

This seems strange because when I read the HFPack
yahoo group I can find lots of HAMs who are using the
KX1/KXAT1 with various HF whips attached to bicycles
with varying degrees of success.  Any HF whip
to a bicycle must be a "short" whip, probably loaded.

Anyone have an opinion or personal experience who
can shed some light?

I'd like to fit the KX1 to my bike!


Manual text:

Backpacking Verticals: The KXAT1 may improve the match
to a backpacking-style vertical. If the
antenna has a loading coil, you should first adjust it
for minimum SWR, since such antennas can be very
narrow-banded. Set the ATU menu entry to CAL mode
(bypass) for this purpose, then back to TUN
mode to further match the antenna using the KXAT1 (if

Whip Antennas: Short whip antennas connected directly
to the KX1 may damage the antenna jack or PC
board, and so should only be used in an emergency.
They are also very poor radiators.

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