Hi Folks,

As has been mentioned by other on this forum
previously my K2 also seems to be in need of a boost
in overall audio volume.  Is there a modification that
can be made to increase the volume?

My hearing is not great.  The fact that the speaker is
oriented up instead of forward doesn't help.  When I
put the DSP in I usually have to boost the AF Gain
about a quarter turn.  It's not unusualy to have it
maxed out.  The RF Gain is always max clockwise.  Most
headphones available are 8-32 ohms so switching to
headphones only eliminates some outside noise and
doesn't increase the volume and in fact usually
decreases it.  The speaker is 4 ohms so changing the
speaker to a lower resistance (if available) is likely
not an option.  I get and give good signal reports and
have what I believe are good antennas....they seem to
perform fine with my other HF rig.  The K2 has the
cleaner and brighter audio with less noise.

If there is not a way to boost the audio my latest
thought is to purchase an external DSP amplified
speaker with a headphone jack.  I had rather not do
that as they start at over $100 and up to $250.  Any
thought or ideas would be helpful and appreciated. 
Off forum email replys are fine.

Thanks and have a great day!

Jim, AB0UK
K2,  SN 4787

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