
 > Jack You are soo mean... "Stupid Yuppies"...

While "Stupid Yuppies" may be a bit harsh, Jack has an excellent
point on the price/performance point of the KPA-500 based on the
current "whisper price."  Yes, the KPA-500 we've been seeing at
the hamfests has some interesting features but it is hard to
justify a nearly 100% premium over the ALS-600 for a smaller
form factor, six meters, QSK, and the Elecraft nameplate.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 9/9/2010 10:46 AM, Phil Townsend wrote:
> Ewww, Jack You are soo mean... "Stupid Yuppies"... Come on Jack, why so angry 
> at a great USA company that ACTUALLY builds some great products?
> Phil
> Santa Fe
>>   It looks like Elecraft may be abandoning their traditional "most bang
>> for the buck" market position in favor of selling over priced "matching
>> accessories" to stupid yuppies.
>> Unlike the K3, a $2000  500W amp is not going to be in the "best value"
>> position in anyone's analysis, although I'm sure they will sell a few
>> to the "true believers".
>> Currently, used  prices for ALS-600's run $800 to $900 and ALS-1300's
>> are showing up for sale at $1800 to $2000.
>> In my case, there is a finite amount of money available for radio
>> station enhancements.  When I can buy a solid state MFJ for ~$1.50/watt
>> or an older no-tune ETO Alpha for ~$1.00/watt, a $4.00/watt Amp that's
>> principal virtue seems to be matching my K3, doesn't have a snow balls
>> chance in Hades of ever gracing my desk.
>> But maybe the rumored ridiculous price point is just a smoke screen and
>> the real product will show up with a more palatible price.
>> 73 Jack KZ5A
>> K3 #4165
>> On 9/8/2010 2:12 PM, K4SC wrote:
>>> After 45 years on the air, I'm finally getting an itch to bump my power over
>>> 100 watts; 500 - 600 watts seems like a reasonable amount of 75 meter power
>>> for me.  I'm seriously looking at amplifiers and tuners, but hesitant to
>>> make a purchase decision before getting at least some warm fuzzies about the
>>> KPA-500 pricing and availability.
>>> Been looking at a lot of new and used tube based amplifiers and 1KW tuners;
>>> getting the sense that I could spend upwards of $1500 for anything decent.
>>> If the KPA-500 is going to sell for close to that figure, or less of course,
>>> I can probably keep my money stashed and wait a few more months.  It sure
>>> would look nice next to the K3&   P3.
>>> If, however, the KPA-500 is going to cost much more than $1500, I will
>>> probably go the tube route.
>>> So, what I'm hoping to get from someone "in the know" is a ballpark figure
>>> on the KPA-500.  I assume the antenna tuner is built in, and not an
>>> additional cost.  If that isn't the case, then knowing the ATU cost would
>>> also be helpful.
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