Propagation seemed OK this week, but QRM from 14.316 was a problem. Marty
and the Icom group usually are respectful of our net start time; but they
went on long today, with S9+ QRM to me at times.  We had 30 participants
over a 24 minute net, with no discussion following check-ins. Thanks to
everyone who checked in.  Here is the list of participants.

Station Name            QTH     Rig     S/N

W4PFM           Paul            VA      K3      1673
K4GCJ           Gerry           NC      K3      1597
AE6IC           Fred            CA      K3      2241
WB6CLZ  Mike            CA      K3      4522
K6EQ            Roger           CA      K3      4629
AB1DD           Carl            VT      K3      3782
NF8J            Paul            MI      K3      758
KK7P            Lyle            WA      K3      3036
K6DSW           Don             CA      K3      3138
KD0HII  Brian           IA      K3      3672
KO5Y            Ken             NM      K3      4442
N0WCH           Quentin CO      K3      4823
N6JW            John            CA      K3      936
W4RKS           Jim             AL      K3      3618
W0FM            Terry           MO      K3      474
N4FZ            Gene            KY      K3      4128
W2RWA           Dick            NY      K3      2603
KG7UY           Dennis  OR      K2      1982
WU9B            Steve           AZ      K3      3979
W8OV            Dave            TX      K3      3139
AI4VZ           George  GA      K3      2412
KE4IMN  Jim             FL      K3      3307
KA0NCR  Arnie           NE      K3      185
N1LQ            Dave            MA      K3      371
W8YMO           Harry           OH      K3      166
N1JM            John            AZ      K3      2555
N1IRB           Scott           CT      K3      4555
AC0NM           Glenn           GA      K3      2843
N9NEI           Ed              IN      TS2000
NS7P            Phil            OR      K3      1826


Phil, NS7P

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