Hamcom is coming  next week!  June 3, 4 and 5. Y'all better come see me!

I am coming out from behind my telephone and computer to meet and greet AND I am bringing lots of goodies to sell- including the new T1's.

Any Elecraft Enthusiasts are more than welcome to come by and help out at the booth. Don Brown KD5NDB and I will be working all three days and would really like to have some of you help us out. You will have a lot of fun sharing your experiences and expertise with those inquiring minds. Don has been involved in Elecraft products from the early days and is very knowledgable about our proucts. He has built just about everything we have- many times over.

You can email me directly, [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you know when you would like to help out, or just stop by the booth and we can set up a time.

Also, if you have nothing else to do Friday morning I could use a little set-up help, but I would need to know ahead of time to get you in early!

I am really looking forward to my first trip outside the Dallas airport and especially to meeting all of you!

The office will be closed Monday, May 30th, but will check my emails 1st thing Tuesday morning.


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