"Michael & Donna Heit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Has anyone used the KX1 in the field with solar power ? If so, was any info
> sent on this list?
> I am building a KX1 and was interested in using solar , or solar back up
> power for extended field use.
> Thank you very much.

I do this all the time with my KX1.

I use a 2ah Gel cell, a Micro M+ Portable charge controller from Sunlight Energy Systems and a 5W flexible Coleman PV panel that folds up to about the size of a hardcover book. This adds very little bulk or weight to my portable setup.

You could easily get by with a lower wattage panel as the average current draw of the rig is probably just a bit over 100 milliamps, depending on how you choose to do the math (ie what figure you use for %TX time). The current draw figures for the Rig are about
40ma for RX and 650 ma for TX.

As long as you are putting about 100 ma, or a little more, back into the battery via the PV panel you should break even. With a smaller panel you probably don't even need to bother with a
charge controller.

One advantage of doing this is that the rig sees a fairly constant 13+ V DC in and will run
at full power, at least while the sun is shining.

Michael VE3WMB

P.S. The Volkswagen panels should be idea for this application and they are cheap (often free from VW dealers, if you ask nicely, or inexpensive from Ebay).

BTW there is a QRP Solar Power Yahoo! Group if you are looking for more detailed answers.

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