None of the arguments below will change anyone's outlook, but...

Wayne wrote:

> The battery is very important; it makes the KX3 an all-in-one unit  
> that you can quickly deploy in an emergency, ...

In the 45 years I've been around ham radio, the probability that any HF
ham rig would be used in an emergency has been vanishingly small, with
the highest probabilities having been 45 years ago, not today.  VHF or UHF
FM use in an emergency is far more likely (but still even that's a very
small probability).  A module for two-meter FM in place of the battery
would be a far better use of limited space, if an emergency-use argument
is to have any credence.

An emergency HF radio would, in any event, need to be resistent to harm
from adverse environmental conditions *while in operation*.  I don't
think the KX3 will meet that minimally, at least as I've seen it at
Dayton and Huntsville.

An emergency HF radio should also *not* be a QRP least no rig
*designated* as an emergency radio.  

An emergency HF radio should also have sufficient battery capacity for
more than just a few hours of intermittent operation.

> ... take on a short hike, ...

On a *short* hike, carrying a 4 AH battery which prudence mandates won't be
much of an impediment.  I've done that many times, even when I used SWL's
small DSW-20, -30, and -40 units.

On a long hike and overnight stay, a 4 AH battery will be mandatory, unless
one enjoys the dead weight of the KX3 and antenna after the internal batteries
are depleted.

> ... toss into a very small small corner of your suitcase, etc. ...

If the worry is the requirements for airline transport and TSA vs. a SLA
battery, then an *external* 10-AA cell battery pack serves well.  At least
in my experience it has after I removed the KBT1 from my K1.

> ... It's an inherent part of the product.

It won't be at KK5F.  Because the most important issue follows next:

What sort of chemical barrier will exist between the battery and the internals
of the KX3 to prevent damage in the event of outgassing or leakage of chemical
contaminants from the battery?  

If there won't be an impermeable compartment, that alone says "Better keep the
chemistry outside the radio!"

IMHO, of course.

But...I'm looking forward to the KX3.  It's the most exciting product I've seen
in *all* my years in ham radio.  My comments are not meant as an attempt to 
*any* design change from whatever is now planned.  At some point, an excellent
product has to have its design frozen, regardless of continuing clamor from the
unwashed. :-)

Mike / KK5F

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