I applaud the action of the FCC in removing the requirement to pass a code test. It is both an obstacle to entering amateur radio for those with no interest in code, and an obstacle to using the code for those who have learned it just to pass a low speed test.

I recently refused a request to change my Morse trainer program MorseTest (on my website) so that it would do 5wpm, because I believe that it encourages the "wrong kind of learning". I have spent many years struggling to overcome a 12wpm "brick wall" because I learned the code at that speed, to pass the UK test, instead of using what is now known as the Koch method.

Those who want to learn the code will be able to learn it using this method, and will not have the problems I and many others have had struggling to master a speed that is comfortable to actually use on the air. Morse is far from being a dead mode, because it has so many unarguable advantages.

Julian, G4ILO
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo

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