A repair for the Elecraft K2 speaker with a rubbing voice coil that worked
for me is as follows:

Remove the K2 lid and lay it on the bench next to the rig with the speaker
connected so you can access the back of the speaker while listening. 

Enable the sidetone so you hear it in the speaker. It should sound raspy of
the voice coil is rubbing.

Use a LARGE screwdriver with a wide blade and place it between the edge of
the black magnet and the frame. Turn the screwdriver so it wedges between
the magnet and the frame. It's a good idea to hold the tip with one hand so
you don't poke it into the cone by accident! Apply a little twisting
pressure while listening - just enough to move the magnet slightly but not
enough to make a permanent bend in the frame. 

Work your way around the speaker repeating the act with the screwdriver at
each frame. Normally at one point the tone will become clear when the
pressure moves the voice coil so it's not dragging against the magnet any
longer. When you find that point, apply additional pressure on the
screwdriver to make a permanent bend in the frame. Work in small steps so
you don't go too far. (If you overdo it, you have to do it over again!)
You'll know you're FB when the tone stays nice and clear when you remove the


The frames of these speakers seem to be made of a lot softer metal than
other loudspeakers I've worked with. They're packaged by the manufacturer
for shipment so the face of the speaker takes the weight and the magnet is
only supported by the frame.  I've come to the conclusion that they've
probably become bent in shipment when the box or a whole container of them
hit the ground hard. 

Once they're in the K2 they are safe. Or they should be. I fixed my speaker
over four years ago when I built my K2 and it's still FB. But then I'm not
in the habit of dropping the K2 onto a hard floor <G>. 


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