Occasionally, when at 100% SSB power (15.2w), I get
audio reports indicating my transmitter is cutting back my

I also see "Hi Cur" flash on sometimes. I have the Cal Cur
set to 3.7A. Receive current is i0.28 on a SEC 1223 (23a)
switching power supply / backup SLA battery setup running
at 13.7v.

I fixed the problem by cutting back power to 15.0w.

Q: is this normal? Is 3.7A for Cal Cur too high?

Rig is K2 / KSB2 / KAT2 / KIO2 / K160RX.
Freq is 7.253.50 Lsb into a 40m inverted V @ 40'
Untuned SWR is 1.4:1 but I'm using a KAT2 so
my SWR is 1:1.
 73 de Ken KGØWX - Flying Pigs #-1055
Elecraft K2 #4913
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