In response to my message May 23, 2012; 3:27pm on the Elecraft P3
reflector Roger White W5RDW in Murphy, Texas responded off-list.  He had
the same problem I described.  It was not coming from the K3 but from
inside the P3.  We both noted it started after installing the SVGA.

During our investigation we boy found: 

1 - the signal is about 5kHz wide
2 - it moves either up or down in frequency ever so slowly 
3 - moving the VFO does not change the position of the signal - internal
to P3? 
4 - reach back and approach the IF signal coax between the K3 & P3
causes it to temporarily go away
5 - sometimes touching the P3 cabinet caused it to disappear 
6 - changed out the coax but it still happens

When the signal crosses the VFO frequency no sound is heard - only the
signal being listened to.  But reaching back in the proximity of the
linking coax causes it to go away.  Turning PC and other gear off has no

Roger and I spent sometime isolating the source.  We found a signal was
coupling into the IF cable inside the P3 from the ribbon cable.  As you
can see from the SVGA instruction manual the ribbon cable is so long
that if not dressed it goes across the P3 and pushes up against the IF
coax in the unit.

When the ribbon cable is dressed by folding it tightly keeping it well
away from the IF coax the wondering signal no longer appears.

If you are having this anomaly Roger and I recommend making the change
to the ribbon cable as shown in the two pictures below.  It would be
nice to have a shorter ribbon cable.


Bob - W6OPO
Roger - W5RDW

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