-----Original Message----- 
From: Richard Fjeld
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 9:53 AM
To: elecraft posting
Subject: [Elecraft] KPA-500 110 or 220?

I have read that an Electric Meter (wattage meter) will run up the bill more 
if the load is not balanced across the two feeders in the meter.  By running 
things on 220 Volts when possible, it may help to balance the load and the 
meter becomes more efficient for the consumer. YMMV

Richard Fjeld, N0CE


NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kWh (kiloWatt hour = energy consumed [thousands of Watts] over a period 
of time [an hour]) meters are NOT designed in that manner.  And, your Public 
Utility Commission (PUC) would NOT approve them for use if they were design 
defective in that manner.

PUCs require periodic testing of ALL kWh meters to assure they are 
registering power consumed, within the State specified range (typically +- 
1.5%), for loading across a single leg (120 V) or across both legs (240 V).

In the past (and where they are still used) the electro-mechanical kWh meter 
typically would slowly slow down over time due to wear on the disc jewels 
and spindle, or due to dust affecting those same points.  Most meters found 
out of tolerance are running SLOWWWWWER; an advantage to the consumer.  But, 
the percentage of kWh meters found out of tolerance during routine testing 
is very small (less than 1 percent).  And that 'out of tolerance' value 
typically is less than 2 percent.  The electro-mechanical kWh meter is truly 
a marvel.  It is a highly accurate, long lived instrument which operates in 
a relatively hostile environment for years without requiring maintenance.

Today's electronic kWh meters overcome the wear/dust problem as there are no 
moving parts.  However, change of component values over time may cause 
similar problems; either under registering or over registering.  So, 
periodic testing of kWh meters is still mandatory.  The main advantage of 
electronic meters is the capability of including remote reading, load 
monitoring, etc., which all contribute to a more efficient, accurate (no 
manual meter reading person) and less costly operation.

Mis dos centavos.

de Milt, N5IA

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