The net ran as usual this evening.

I tried to join this week finally but could just barely make out some squeaks. Had the radio here with me in the office tonight but a quicky indoor antenna just wouldn't cut it. That and something generating a whole lot of spurs all over 20M. Maybe next week from home where the radio belongs...

I heard something about Daylight Savings Time changing
late this year but have not had this confirmed.  Do any of you
know about this?

My calendar shows the time change on 30 October. That would be the last Sunday of the month, same as last year.

73 de Thomas M. Beaudry K8LA / YS1ZTM
ARS             # 1566                  ARRL Life member
FPQRP   # 1005
NAQCC   # 0223                  K2 # 3422

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