Yeah you are right lets end this thread.
I dont believe he is a ham.


On Dec 14, 2012, at 6:16 PM, N5GE wrote:

> He is a HAM, and your feeding his fantasy by replying to this thread.
> Let's end this thread before it gets out of hand, please Eric...
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2012 18:05:34 -0800, Bob K6UJ <>
> wrote:
>> Bob Muller,
>> Thanks for the source of entertainment.  
>> Why pretend to be knowledgeable enough to be a radio amateur ?  Study and 
>> get your
>> license.  Then you won't need to play these charades.
>> Bob
>> K6UJ
>> On Dec 14, 2012, at 5:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>> Well, this was good for a laugh, anyway. Go ahead with your nationwide 
>>> petition, even send it to the White House if you like. If it's written 
>>> anything like this Email, bet it won't get very far. Actually, even if it's 
>>> written better than this Email, it won't get very far, as others have very 
>>> correctly and succinctly pointed out. 
>>> "Wow" is about the same reaction as I had. 
>>> It was, anyway, a valiant attempt. At humor if at nothing else.
>>> Merry Christmas, or something.
>>> --
>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>>> On Dec 14, 2012, at 6:18 AM, rwm rwmr <> wrote:
>>>> You guys missed a Big Part of the Market..
>>>> You have a Great radio in the Portable K3X..
>>>> With Recent Hurricane Sandy..
>>>> Correct me if i am Wrong..
>>>> Ham Radios are supposed to offer one ability to carry on Emergency 
>>>> contacts..
>>>> Both for owner of radio ( for themselves and their family)
>>>> As well as working with various local/regional emergency services..
>>>> So that within a Crisis happening..
>>>> Communications can be kept going where all other forms fail 
>>>> (like how home and cell phones and power outages...that went on for at 
>>>> least a week and up to still lack of power and phone service in some spots 
>>>> of NY and NJ as direct result of Hurricane Sandy )
>>>> Yet even though your K3X offers no more then 10 watts output
>>>> (with external battery pack...5 watts in using internal batteries)
>>>> Yet even though i asked..
>>>> You refused to do a firmware upgrade so not only is the K3X be usable on 
>>>> HF ham bands..But also on 11 meter/cb frequencies ..
>>>> I could understand if it was a 100 watt or such radio.
>>>> Fact is though it is clearly Not..
>>>> The K3X is a Perfect radio for emergency use..
>>>> Yet you CLEARLY leave out and refuse to allow one to use it on some of the 
>>>> most used local frequency's that would enable one to remain in contact 
>>>> with local people ( for themselves as well as surrounding community)
>>>> This is Indeed a Very Big Over Sight.
>>>> This is Also a Very Poor attitude..
>>>> It seems you people are so Hard Core with offering High Quality Radios 
>>>> with Excellent Abilities..
>>>> Then when you Design a merging of SDR radio with a regular radio and Not 
>>>> requiring a PC hook up..
>>>> Offering a Huge advantage that other companies can only Hope to so offer ( 
>>>> but can not )
>>>> However in one of the Most Important aspects..You Also Drop the Ball..
>>>> Will you Re consider ?
>>>> Or do i need to start a Petition on a National scale
>>>> (even bringing it to the white house if need be)
>>>> In order to get this done with a simple 5 watt portable radio ?
>>>> By the way
>>>> Yes i am a ham radio operator.
>>>> Owning a 706 MKIIG..IC-7000 .. AR-3500 .. RCI 2970 .. IC-R3 .. DR235 .. 
>>>> ID800 .. ID-1 .. T90a .. ID-91AD .. THF-6a
>>>> various tuners..various power supplies .. 
>>>> until recently with hurricane Sandy.. 
>>>> create RC5 antenna rotor .. 2 meter,70 cm and 1.25 meter beams .. 
>>>> tribander 2 meter/70 cm/23cm vertical and 5/8 wave ground plane 11 meter 
>>>> antenna..
>>>> Thankfully i had many batteries for my HT's and plenty of antennas for 
>>>> them..
>>>> For as it turned out it was my ONLY means of communication to the outside 
>>>> world for 9 or 10 days
>>>> (pay phones..home phones..cell phones were all useless..power was out .. 
>>>> all for over a week)
>>>> I clearly would have befitted with battery operated able HF
>>>> ( yes 11 meters as well )
>>>> Even though via UHF i got out as far as 70 miles with just my HT and HT 
>>>> antennas
>>>> ( i had to go to to top of walkway on the bayonne bridge to get out beyond 
>>>> 10 miles during the first week to 2 weeks )
>>>> I can easily get a Buddy Pole portable HF antenna to use with the K3X.
>>>> So as i Now am still repairing my roof
>>>> ( it still leaks like a lot any time it rains now )
>>>> I am Now also looking to re create my antenna farm
>>>> ( i likely can salvage my 70 cm beam..all the others are trash..also lost 
>>>> a good deal of LDF5-50a and LDF7-50a coax feedline )
>>>> So while re doing my antenna farm for base operations..
>>>> I am also looking to further update my portable/backpack gear.
>>>> (seems i also have to bite the bullet and get a car again.. thus getting 
>>>> needed antennas for whatever car i get as well.. i have kept away from 
>>>> driving for 20 years..but hurricane sandy showed if i needed to 
>>>> bail/evacuate on my own..without driving on my own.. well it turned out it 
>>>> was not possible)
>>>> Bob Muller
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> Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
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