PLEASE don't suggest that, you never know what you might get from them after
some of the things they have done lately.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Buddy Brannan
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 7:46 PM
To: rwm rwmr
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] missed market

Well, this was good for a laugh, anyway. Go ahead with your nationwide
petition, even send it to the White House if you like. If it's written
anything like this Email, bet it won't get very far. Actually, even if it's
written better than this Email, it won't get very far, as others have very
correctly and succinctly pointed out. 

"Wow" is about the same reaction as I had. 

It was, anyway, a valiant attempt. At humor if at nothing else.

Merry Christmas, or something.

Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Dec 14, 2012, at 6:18 AM, rwm rwmr <> wrote:

> You guys missed a Big Part of the Market..
> You have a Great radio in the Portable K3X..
> With Recent Hurricane Sandy..
> Correct me if i am Wrong..
> Ham Radios are supposed to offer one ability to carry on Emergency
> Both for owner of radio ( for themselves and their family) As well as 
> working with various local/regional emergency services..
> So that within a Crisis happening..
> Communications can be kept going where all other forms fail (like how 
> home and cell phones and power outages...that went on for at least a 
> week and up to still lack of power and phone service in some spots of 
> NY and NJ as direct result of Hurricane Sandy )
> Yet even though your K3X offers no more then 10 watts output  (with 
> external battery pack...5 watts in using internal batteries)
> Yet even though i asked..
> You refused to do a firmware upgrade so not only is the K3X be usable on
HF ham bands..But also on 11 meter/cb frequencies ..
> I could understand if it was a 100 watt or such radio.
> Fact is though it is clearly Not..
> The K3X is a Perfect radio for emergency use..
> Yet you CLEARLY leave out and refuse to allow one to use it on some of 
> the most used local frequency's that would enable one to remain in 
> contact with local people ( for themselves as well as surrounding 
> community)
> This is Indeed a Very Big Over Sight.
> This is Also a Very Poor attitude..
> It seems you people are so Hard Core with offering High Quality Radios
with Excellent Abilities..
> Then when you Design a merging of SDR radio with a regular radio and Not
requiring a PC hook up..
> Offering a Huge advantage that other companies can only Hope to so 
> offer ( but can not ) However in one of the Most Important aspects..You
Also Drop the Ball..
> Will you Re consider ?
> Or do i need to start a Petition on a National scale (even bringing it 
> to the white house if need be) In order to get this done with a simple 
> 5 watt portable radio ?
> By the way
> Yes i am a ham radio operator.
> Owning a 706 MKIIG..IC-7000 .. AR-3500 .. RCI 2970 .. IC-R3 .. DR235 
> .. ID800 .. ID-1 .. T90a .. ID-91AD .. THF-6a various tuners..various
power supplies ..
> until recently with hurricane Sandy.. 
> create RC5 antenna rotor .. 2 meter,70 cm and 1.25 meter beams ..
tribander 2 meter/70 cm/23cm vertical and 5/8 wave ground plane 11 meter
> Thankfully i had many batteries for my HT's and plenty of antennas for
> For as it turned out it was my ONLY means of communication to the 
> outside world for 9 or 10 days (pay phones..home phones..cell phones 
> were all useless..power was out .. all for over a week)
> I clearly would have befitted with battery operated able HF  ( yes 11 
> meters as well ) Even though via UHF i got out as far as 70 miles with 
> just my HT and HT antennas ( i had to go to to top of walkway on the 
> bayonne bridge to get out beyond 10 miles during the first week to 2 
> weeks ) I can easily get a Buddy Pole portable HF antenna to use with the
> So as i Now am still repairing my roof  ( it still leaks like a lot 
> any time it rains now ) I am Now also looking to re create my antenna 
> farm ( i likely can salvage my 70 cm beam..all the others are 
> trash..also lost a good deal of LDF5-50a and LDF7-50a coax feedline ) 
> So while re doing my antenna farm for base operations..
> I am also looking to further update my portable/backpack gear.
> (seems i also have to bite the bullet and get a car again.. thus 
> getting needed antennas for whatever car i get as well.. i have kept 
> away from driving for 20 years..but hurricane sandy showed if i needed 
> to bail/evacuate on my own..without driving on my own.. well it turned 
> out it was not possible)
> Bob Muller
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