Tnx Joe, Don and Wes for feedback. I was leaning towards the 4 NPN's but
first wanted to check in case I was missing something.

The reason I want to see the value of BAND0-3 is that I will be monitoring
the output with LED's of two UM BCD-14's. While building this project I want
to see if there are any cases where there might be a conflict. My project is
to use BAND0-3 as input for automatic operation  to one BCD-14 while I will
use a binary encoder for manual operation as input to the other BCD-14. I
will use a pair of hex buffers to switch between auto and manual antenna
band selection. I will use another pair of hex buffers to select which bank
of antenna outputs I want. The plan is to use DIGOUT1 (Front panel
ANT1/ANT2) to select which bank. This gives me auto operation with two
antennas per band, which is what I have for most bands. 

Hopefully this all makes sense. I have been procrastinating doing this
project for a long time. Finally got my 80M 4-sq with elevated radials
working well and now the ground is snow covered. So time for other projects.
Couldn't find an off the shelf  package that would do this. 

N2TK, Tony

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Joe Subich, W4TV
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 - ACC Connector - Band0-3 output indicator

> Has anyone built or bought some kind of 4-indicator for this? I want 
> to do this as a temporary indicator while I am playing with a pair of 
> UM BCD-14 band decoders.

Easy enough ... 4 NPN transistors - base to BAND0-3 pins, LED and limiting
resistor between +13.8 and collector of the transistors, emitter of the
transistor to ground.

 > The 0000 output on the KIO3 for 60M has me concerned.

Don't know why it should concern you.  0000 is just another state and I
don't see 0000 used for any other band *or* any transverter band.  Your
bigger concern might be the reuse of one of the other band values for 2
Meters depending on how you decode HF vs. the transverter bands.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 1/27/2013 6:29 PM, N2TK, Tony wrote:
> I would like to see (LED) the state of the BAND0-3 outputs. Has anyone 
> built or bought some kind of 4-indicator for this? I want to do this 
> as a temporary indicator while I am playing with a pair of UM BCD-14 
> band decoders.
> The BAND0-3 outputs come off of 5V through 2.2K pull-up resistors with 
> a 220 ohm resistor in series with the output on the ACC socket. It 
> would seem standard 20ma LED's would not work here with the 2.2K 
> resistor inline. Maybe a diode inline to isolate with a separate 
> supply on the LED's or use some very low amperage LEDs or drive a Mosfet
which drives a LED?
> The 0000 output on the KIO3 for 60M has me concerned. I want to make 
> sure it doesn't cause me a problem when switching between 160-2M and 
> between auto antenna selection and manual antenna selection.
> Tnx for any feedback.
> 73,
> N2TK, Tony
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