I also created a 5 page printed guide and leaving at the station thinking it would be read. That was dumb, as I still had to answer many questions that were all answered in the guide. Finally I just answered those by just putting the guide in front of them and saying Page 3 or Page 4. or whatever page it was on.

My mistake and it seems you did it correct is I will need to do a presentation next year.

David Moes


On 6/28/2013 09:01, John Fritze wrote:
I gave my presentation on the Friday prior to Field Day.  I had a couple of
questions on clarifications and afterwards several hams came up to me and
thanked me because they felt it was a big help.  I especially focused on
the TAP/HOLD differences and the fact that most functions are clearly
marked.  I noted that ergonomically the layout of the K3 has similar
functions in the same general area on the panel.

So the result on Field Day this year was that the several operators who
used my K3 felt much more comfortable with it.  I did need to answer a
couple of queries on the fly but over all most of the ops enjoyed using my
K3 and P3.  One of the most timid of last years ops told me she really felt
that the K3 was pretty easy to use now that she understood the TAP/HOLD
functions.  In fact she would consider an Elecraft product next time she
was in the market.  Most of the ops really loved the P3 and it's ability to
easily hunt and pounce.

I showed a couple of hams how easy it was to be running on a frequency and
hunt and pounce using the 2nd receiver on the same band.  That totally
amazed a couple of people.

As a bonus, our club has 2 Kenwood 930s, one of which is having issues.  So
next year, we will probably be using not only my K3, but my KX3 with the
100W amp for a second station.  Retiring one of the 930s (thankfully) since
they have no filtering.....

As with several FD operations we can run CW and SSB on any band at the same
time.  The K3 output is very clean, not causing any RFI issues (as
expected).  The 930s do not cause RFI in the K3, even though they have
issues with each other on some bands.

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