My EE classes focused on plotting the characteristic curves of vacuum tubes
(late 50's). Semiconductors were left for us to learn on our own. 

This was my first radio, followed with a Meissner kit using type 76 triodes
in regen/audio amp combo. I also mistakenly said the crystal was germanium
but it was certainly galena.

73, Ron AC7AC

-----Original Message-----

Yes it most probably was galena, not geranium (wrong spell check choice !),
and the "crystal" was about 3/8" in diameter, and height, and maybe mounted
in Woods Metal not lead.  Many years later, it seems, my first experience
with a semiconductor device, was with an IN34, crudely built (by today's
standards) germanium diode.

We didn't even have any semiconductor classes or training, in my EE
curriculum, when I attended college.  I finally learned about them later, in
the excellent electronics training I got while in the military and working
on guided missile R & D at White Sands Proving Grounds.  That and my ham
radio design experience, got me excellent  engineering job offers when I got
out of the service.

Chuck,  W7CS

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