K2 serial number 3600+ using the Heil hand mic that Elecraft sells, also did 
the KI6WX wide-band mod years ago. When on LSB using the elecraft recommended 
settings of SSBA of 2-1 and SSBC of 2-1, I get lousy reports that there's too 
much base in my audio and hams find it hard to hear what I'm saying, but when I 
turn off compression I then get really good audio reports!

So, for the K2 wizards out there, as long as I leave the compressor off, my 
hams friends are happy.......so, I'm wondering why turning on compression 
increases the base response and if there's a way to improve audio when using 
SSBC 2-1? I've used Spectrogram to slightly adjust audio filter bandpass but 
doesn't do much.

As always, thanks for everyone's help!


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