Hi Mark:

This ARRL November Sweepstakes CW was anything but enjoyable.  The
poor operators were out in force this year.  Here is my top-10 list of poor
operating exhibited during the 2005 ARRL November Sweepstakes CW.

10.  Sending CQ without enough time between for a station to answer.

How much time were they leaving?

Just curious as my allergies cranked up on Friday, and I was in NO SHAPE to operate this year.

Usually, I'll allow 3 seconds (max. of 4) between calls. If a station can't respond within that time, I'll catch him on the next call. Stations running full QSK should be able to easily hit the key within 3 seconds of the calling station's standing by.

 9.  Station sending their exchange at 25+ WPM and asking you to QRS when
you are running <20 WPM.

Agreed! Wholeheartedly! But, you'll run into this ANY TIME... ANYWHERE... not limited to a contest...

 8.  Stations tuning up on your frequency for several minutes and then
starting to call CQ SS on the frequency you are working.

Unfortunately, a fact of contest life... and (again, unfortunately) not limited to contest times.

 7.  The station that answered your CQ SS starts calling CW SS after your
exchange with him.

Pure disregard for operating (contest or otherwise) etiquette!!! But, again, it IS a 'CONTEST', and this implies COMPETITION... expect to have 'your frequency' taken from you at times... esp. if the other guy thinks he's got a bigger signal than you. Don't fret about it... say a couple mean words and MOVE ON!!!

 6.  Stations that move on after sending their exchange information when you
still need repeats on the exchange.

In many instances, the way to combat this is to NOT give them ANY of YOUR info until you have all of their data in the log. They'll wait!

 5.  Stations calling CQ SS then moving up/down a few Hz and calling CQ SS
again (moving targets).

This usually occurs because they realize that they just called CQ on top of an on-going QSO, which you may not be able to hear, but THEY can.

 4.  Receiving SRI DUPE when you have not worked the station.

Agreed... I set my logger to work ALL CALLERS... mainly because, if I have them in the log, and my logger thinks they're a dupe, it's obvious that THEY don't think I'm a dupe, so I'll NOT be in their log when log checking occurs... for (most) computer-checked logs, you are not penalized for dupes unless you claim them, and if they can be verified as being dupes on BOTH ends.

 3.  Stations in a mini pile-up sending their calls 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times and
covering the stations sending CQ SS.


 2.  Stations 'tail ending' your exchange with the station you just worked
before you can call CQ SS again.

You gotta learn to be quick!

 1.  Calling CQ SS and having a station respond with 'SEC?' to determine if
they want to work you.

I'll send 'MO' and then call CQ again. If he wants me, he'll respond, if not, I'll not have wasted time waiting for him to respond.


Tom Hammond   N0SS
40+ Years of CW SSing and still LOVING IT!
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