--- Vic K2VCO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, the ARRL Sweepstakes can be a great deal
> of fun and practice 
> for the "little pistol" or QRP operator (at least
> for those in the US 
> and Canada!).

I agree!  This was my first quasi-serious (more than
10 contacts) contest attempt with my K1 and as a QRP
operator.  I snagged several new states/territories
and gained a lot of confidence in my station and
operating abilities.
> One way to greatly improve your CW sending is to
> make a serious contest 
> effort and send all of the exchanges with a paddle
> or bug, rather than 
> letting the computer do it.  You would be amazed at
> how much more 
> effective the real thing is than sending from the
> phone book.

I agree with this, too.  My entire SS experience
(maybe 3 hours total) was done with a paper log and
paddles.  I needed fills on about 75% of my 30wpm+
contacts at first, but after the first 15 or so, I was
solid on nearly all.  I was amazed at how quickly my
speed increased.  My sending also improved quickly.

> I also think that operating behavior was quite good
> this year, for the 
> most part.  Contesters did NOT blow off weak or QRP
> stations (not the 
> same!) and really dug to get all of the details of
> the exchange.

Agreed again!  Pretty much all of my contacts were
with "big guns," and the operating was top notch.  I
noticed none of the things others have complained

The K1s receiver worked great and the 200Hz filter is
super.  Next year I'd like to operate outside and put
up a better antenna.  My ground-floor apartment QTH is
noisy and doesn't allow much of an antenna.  Despite
that, I still had fun.


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