Hi Dave,

Dick is a valued senior engineering member of the Elecraft R&D team. He is the 
author of all of the Windows based Utilities for our products and he is also 
the f/w design engineer for the KAT500 and a number of other Elecraft products. 

He normally is not involved in our customer support, but like many of us, he 
does occasionally try to help out customers when he has a chance - frequently 
on his own time.  We all have personal email accounts in addition to our 
company accounts, so on occasion any of us may post from an account that is not 
a official Elecraft address.  He's an extremely knowledgable, polite and 
friendly person.

Dick also speaks and writes English as his first language, though like most of 
us, its the Americanized version with occasional shorthand phrases ;-)

In response to your ftp problems with the Utilities: We have not seen major 
problems with their access to the FTP site, but when new software is released 
for the KX3 etc., as it was in the last week, it is possible to exceed its 
maximum number of allowed connections to the FTP server at our ISP. When this 
happens, retrying a short time later ends up working perfectly. We have 
discussed this with our ISP and they have increased this limit for us, but its 
certainly still possible it can be exceeded from time to time. We will keep an 
eye on this.

It sounds like you were able to work around your issue this time. In the 
future, please also try contacting our team at supp...@elecraft.com  . They are 
our front line of support and they usually have the best idea of what is 
happening with areas like this and how to resolve your problems.

As per the list guidelines, please also keep all communications here cordial, 
without unneeded sarcasm or personal attacks. We are all working towards the 
same goals of helping each other and enjoying the hobby. :-)

Eric - WA6HHQ
List Moderator (and frequently COO, Elecraft)


> On Sep 21, 2013, at 10:54 PM, g8kbvd...@googlemail.com wrote:
> Sory to polute the list, but can someone sort this guy out please.
> Dick.  Just who are you?   You say 
> "It does not reach for the beta firmware at all.  That is our intent."
> "Does not reach"?  What sort of technical English is that?
> "Our" ?   If you are part of the Elecraft team, why are you not using an 
> official 
> email address on their domain?
> The problem is Dick...

> You read the emails, but you don't "comprehend" the content.   (Maybe English 
> is not your first language.  It is mine, I am English.)
> I KNOW the utility does not do Beta firmware, unles you provide it manually.
> I KNOW that there is(was by now?) an issue with the version I have (suposedly 
> the latest) and the server, that prevent it sucsessfully connecting to the 
> server.
> I may have missed an announcement that there was a problem, I receive 100's 
> of emails A DAY for work and personal needs, sometimes something slips 
> through the net.
> I ALSO KNOW it's NOT a Windows(XP or 7) problem, the same issue exists with 
> the Linux version getting the new firmware.  Different platforms, and using 
> different ISP's
> I KNOW others have had the same issue.
> I do not know how they resolved it.
> I KNOW I downloaded them manualy, by working back from the beta code FTP 
> address, to get the stable release version folder/files.
> I KNOW that the utility DID THEN UPLOAD that latest firmware to my KX3 just 
> fine, when it had them.
> Dave TA2/G0WBX.
> (Expecting to be kicked off the list now.  If so, so be it!)
> From:               Dick Dievendorff <dievendo...@outlook.com>
> To:                 <g8kbvd...@googlemail.com>
> Subject:            RE: [Elecraft] KX3 Firmware upgrade
> Date sent:          Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:34:18 -0700
>> I just read all the e-mails.
>> The problem is that you expect the KX3 Utility's internal FTP client to
>> fetch beta firmware.
>> The KX3 Utility fetches only production firmware, from the FTP folder
>> ftp://ftp.elecraft.com/KX3/firmware.  It does not reach for the beta
>> firmware at all.  That is our intent.
>> Dick
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: g8kbvd...@googlemail.com [mailto:g8kbvd...@googlemail.com] 
>> Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 12:12 PM
>> To: Dick Dievendorff
>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Firmware upgrade
>> Dick.
>> Please *Read All* of the emails.   THEN, you'll understand the problem.
>> No more on this please.
>> Thankyou.
>>    Dave. TA2/G0WBX.
>>> The utilities don't fetch beta firmware. Just production release versions.
>>> Dick, K6KR
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Sep 20, 2013, at 9:04, g8kbvd...@googlemail.com wrote:
>>>> Hi Again Dick.
>>>> If you read my original email, you'll see I eventualy hacked the 
>>>> Beta firmware address link, and manually downloaded the needed files 
>>>> with Firefox to the same folder the KX3Util program would have done.  
>>>> The utility then recognised the new files, and did the update just fine.
>>>> On 99.9% of XP PC's (and most others, whatever the OS) any firewall will
>> block 
>>>> unsolicited incoming packets/connections, but allow all outgoing.   The
>> fact that 
>>>> Firefox could do the job, proves that no firewall's were causing the 
>>>> issue, especially as I had the *Exact* same trouble on the Linux box
>> too.
>>>> The "problem" (whatever it is) is that the address that the KX3Util 
>>>> is trying to use, either now doesn't exist or has changed, or the 
>>>> filename is subtly changed from what it was trying to find, or the FTP
>> server no longer uses PASIV mode.
>>>> If it persists the next time, I'll use WireShark (or simiar packet 
>>>> sniffing tools) to find out what "exactly" it was trying to do, and 
>>>> what errors were being sent back from the server, if it ever got there.
>>>> When I figure out what/why, I'll be letting the Elecraft list know.
>>>> 73
>>>> Dave TA2/G0WBX
>>>> Never attribute to mallice, whatever can be better explained by
>> stupidity.
>>>> From:               Dick Dievendorff <dievendo...@outlook.com>
>>>> To:                 <g8kbvd...@googlemail.com>
>>>> Subject:            RE: [Elecraft] KX3 Firmware upgrade
>>>> Date sent:          Wed, 18 Sep 2013 09:17:05 -0700
>>>>> Perhaps some firewalls require that specific FTP internet addresses 
>>>>> (maybe even in dotted octet format?) be opened to permit a file 
>>>>> upload through FTP client code.  The firewalls all vary in their 
>>>>> diligence in this area.  I don't know that this is the issue, but I 
>>>>> thought I'd mention it.  It could also be a significant delay in 
>>>>> our FTP server if too many people are accessing it concurrently?
>>>>> If your browser (whatever it is) can access ftp://ftp.elecraft.com, 
>>>>> then you can navigate through our tree and pull the files of 
>>>>> interest and copy them to an appropriate place on your computer.  
>>>>> This is all my FTP client code is doing, it goes to a specific 
>>>>> folder and FTP copies files with specific filename prefixes and
>> extensions to the firmware folder you've navigated to.
>>>>> Probably it's all the files in the appropriate FTP directory.
>>>>> Dick
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: g8kbvd...@googlemail.com [mailto:g8kbvd...@googlemail.com]
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:55 AM
>>>>> To: Dick Dievendorff
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Firmware upgrade
>>>>> Hello Dick.
>>>>> I never use IE, except for Windows updates, and a few company 
>>>>> specific items ("Written for IE6"!)
>>>>> I had the same KX3 update problem with Linux too, so I doubt it's a 
>>>>> Windows DLL specific problem.
>>>>> In Turkey for work just now, not at home, so can't replicate etc.
>>>>> Thanks for the thought.
>>>>> 73.
>>>>> Dave TA2/G0WBX.
>>>>> From:               "Dick Dievendorff" <die...@comcast.net>
>>>>> To:                 <g8kbvd...@googlemail.com>
>>>>> Subject:            RE: [Elecraft] KX3 Firmware upgrade
>>>>> Date sent:          Sun, 15 Sep 2013 12:28:25 -0700
>>>>>> The Windows version of the KX3 Utility uses the same WinInet DLL 
>>>>>> and cache that Microsoft Internet Explorer uses.  Can you view the 
>>>>>> FTP directory by using Microsoft Internet Explorer (not FireFox, 
>>>>>> not Safari, not Chrome) and navigate to \
>>>>>> ftp://ftp.elecraft.com/KX3/firmware
>>>>>> and see the file list there?  This is what I get:
>>>>>> FTP directory /KX3/firmware at ftp.elecraft.com To view this FTP 
>>>>>> site in File Explorer: press Alt, click View, and then click Open 
>>>>>> FTP Site in File Explorer.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> ------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> Up to higher level directory
>>>>>> 09/11/2013 09:53PM      Directory archive09/11/2013 09:53PM
>> Directory
>>>>>> beta
>>>>>> 09/11/2013 09:52PM        341,449 fdsp0123.hex
>>>>>> 09/11/2013 09:52PM        174,519 ffwnotes.rtf
>>>>>> 09/11/2013 09:52PM        368,791 fmcu0161.hex
>>>>>> If you can, and the KX3 Utility windows version cannot, then I'd 
>>>>>> like you to trace the KX3 Utility FTP window. Turn the View Menu 
>>>>>> trace option on, then click "copy new files from Elecraft", and 
>>>>>> copy/paste the trace data in an e-mail to me.
>>>>>> We're not hiding this. We're trying to make it easier for those of 
>>>>>> our users who don't necessarily grok FTP and the Utility should 
>>>>>> fetch the files for them.  Not all our radio users are well versed 
>>>>>> in internet
>>>>> issues.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Dick, K6KR
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net 
>>>>>> [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of 
>>>>>> g8kbvd...@googlemail.com
>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2013 12:17 PM
>>>>>> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Firmware upgrade
>>>>>>> Please remember to download the latest utility software first.  
>>>>>>> Wayne sent a note out ( i think) saying this is required.
>>>>>> Didn't see any note, but there again, I've been busy.
>>>>>> I was going to ask why the KX3Utility (V1.13.4.29) fails with the 
>>>>>> FTP login bit (Windows and Linux) but was distracted doing 
>>>>>> headless chicken impressions before traveling over here for work, 
>>>>>> so never got
>>>>> round to it.
>>>>>> So, I just went to the Beta link, and up one directory/folder, and 
>>>>>> pulled the wanted files manualy, placing them where the utility 
>>>>>> expects, and it did the job.
>>>>>> (In all honesty, I don't know why the direct link isn't published.  
>>>>>> If anyone malicious wanted them, they can find them anyway.)
>>>>>> 73.
>>>>>> Dave TA2/G0WBX, sadly without the KX3.
>>>>>> (Not that the Hotel's S9+110dB noise level on RX would have 
>>>>>> helped.)
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