
It is not confined to your K2, it does it on mine too - SN 00020 with all
the latest upgrades and most recent firmware.  I too cannot find any way to
duplicate it with certainty, and it is not really bothersome - just
surprising when it happens.  I guess it is just one of those 'interesting'
artifacts of the K2 firmware processing.


> -----Original Message-----
> I have experienced an anomaly; at least I think it is an anomaly on my K2.
> When I am rotating the VFO knob the frequency display will disappear very
> briefly and be replaced by my power output setting, then change
> back just a
> quickly to the frequency display.
> I have not been able to duplicate it with any degree of
> regularity; it just
> happens and goes back to normal.  The rate of change on the VFO knob does
> not seem to determine when this occurs.
> It does not seem to have any effect on performance.  Has anyone else
> experienced this, can anyone offer an explanation?
> 73, KI4DGH
> Chuck Gehring

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