--- and so, if you want the problem to go away, move the control just a
touch to get it away from the switch point.  On the other hand, if you want
the value to pop up from time to time, move the control to the switch point.
Of course, that's like dropping a penny on edge, it never sticks when you
want it too.

Michael AB9GV


Right! Or quit staring at the display while operating <G> I don't even react
on the very rare occasion when it happens now. 

>From Vic's comments it sounds like some pots are noisy anyway. He and the
other's are quite right: a noisy pot would cause that display action as

That's different from the original "noisy audio pot" problem that was a
major thread here about four years ago. There isn't a "well known audio pot
problem" other than that one, at least nothing that's been reported here. I
do recall some pots with loose ferrules that became sloppy (the knob
wobbled) and noisy. Also some of the early K2 knobs had to be pushed onto
the shafts with a great deal of force if the splines on the pot shafts
weren't sanded first. A good way to make a pot become 'wonky' is to put a
lot of stress on the shaft. But those were definitely exceptions, not the

And, of course, in 25,000 pots out there so far on >5,000 K2's, there's sure
to be some defective ones. 

The fact that mine are quiet after five years of regular use shows us all
what anecdotal evidence is worth: it accurately describes my experience but
may not have any bearing on what others experience. For example, did I ever
tell the story of the time I worked Germany from Oregon loading 1 watt into
a wet noodle? (HI!)


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