It took some time getting to know my K3 (I'd say about 3-weeks) till I was fairly comfortable with basic use.

The short-vs-long press buttons did require some re-training on my part, but I see the utility of not having to find the FUNCtion button and then a second button to access alternative use of the buttons. I use the TUNE function a lot for testing signal output and measuring SWR. Sometimes I hit RX ANT by mistake but that is obvious when the radio does not go into Tx.

It took a bit of finagle to figure out how to enable the s-meter on the aux Rx (BSET and diversity). I use two 2m preamps and the second one feeds the aux Rx, so I like to see the noise rise when it is powered-up.

The other button I sometimes mess up is PRE and accidently enable ATT -- then wonder what happened to the signal. But usually does not take long to discover.

Getting used to long-press for CONFIG took a bit, as well

But after setting up the radio - most settings are not often accessed. Lately, I have been playing with the NB and NR settings. Discovering NRmF5-NRmF8 were a mix of NR and non-processed audio is my latest discovery - and my choice for using NR on SSB. My hearing cannot tolerate even the slightest distortion of speech and the mixed NR makes it usable for me.

But the comment that an over-simple radio would bore one in short-time hits home! After four years I still have untapped areas to discover - yeah!

Still getting used to the triple mode knobs on the KX3 (wish PWR would stay selected on the KEYER/MIC knob as I adjust it frequently when testing using the XMIT button).

73, Ed - KL7UW
    "Kits made by KL7UW"
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