I would say keep the rules simple since I'd bet most of us are at best
casual contesters.

The exchange itself should be straightforward and uncomplicated, but that
doesn't necessarily mean minimalist. I want to know where the guy is, what
he is running and the Elecraft serial number. Otherwise it's just another of
a long line of (to me) pointless contests.

I think opening up for suggestions was nice as a gesture or democracy, but I
think it would have been better to just post the rules and set the date. You
had a pro design it. Let his take on the rules stand.

Besides, most of us will be there because it is part of the Elecraft
camaraderie, not for the glory of a contest.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wayne burdick
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:48 PM
To: Benny Aumala
Cc: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] Re: EQP Proposed Rules Revision


Thanks for your input. I appreciate minimal exchanges, too; they produce
more QSOs and make a contest easy to operate in.

But we'd like EQP to be different. I think of it as a series of condensed
QSOs rather than quick-hit contest exchanges. Many participants have common
interests, including Elecraft gear, kit building in general, and a passion
for portable operation. EQP plays like a reunion of old friends.

I can make this clearer by addressing your individual points.

> K1, K2 or KX1 already defines Elecraft user. How about another 
> transceiver and Elecraft T1?

In EQP, the focus is on the transceiver. Thanks to the shared building
experience, it's intriguing for some ops to know what kind of rig they're
talking to. (Myself included, usually serial number 1 or 2  :)

> Serial number is not essential, but interesting, and may be given 
> during "rag chew" part of contact.

Serial numbers are important to many of the participants, in part because we
offer certificates for collecting them. It's part of the condensed QSO. One
could look up numbers in a database later, but that wouldn't be in the
spirit of things.

> US State / VE Province / DXCC Country is not necessary in message. You 
> have other means to find out that multiplier: Callbook CD, Prefix in 
> call-sign or ask the station during contact.

Perhaps, but I like this addition. Many stations will be using low power,
with which it can be exciting to work someone even in the next state! The
mystery of where a station is located -- revealed during a contact -- has
always been at the core of the radio experience for me, especially when
using QRP.

> The power of other station is not essential. It is your power that 
> counts.

Good point. An exchange of power levels is, again, rooted in low-power
contests. It's interesting, but I would say that this is the most expendable
part of the exchange.

> By the way: is 100W max recommendation necessary. Elecraft is going to 
> sell shortly kilowatt-amplifiers.

Elecraft gear has, from the beginning, been about doing more with less, and
often doing it while operating in the field. KW operation has its place, but
I personally prefer a leaner approach in EQP. Besides, to level the playing
field, we'd have to give KW operators fractional QRP points, which seems a
bit harsh.

> So the message might be like:
> Elecrafter            599 K2
> Other                 599

Any contest can be minimalist. EQP has meat on its bones!

Just my 2.05 cents --




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