Craig -

You are on to something...

How about long-path multipliers?

Polar absorption is greater at higher latitudes, latitude multiplier?

My feedline is old and crappy. To be fair, there must be a way to adjust for that.

For the record, I only want to compete with simple minded doofs, like myself, that have poor feedline, high latitude, 8 watts, bad hearing, a lousy fist, and a bad attitude. Anything else, by definition, would be blatantly unfair.


73 de NA8M

----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig Rairdin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Elecraft Reflector'" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Re: EQP Proposed Rules Revision

Points are then miles/kilometers per watt.

One could also fool with idea of the points being:

(distance * (PowerOtherStation + PowerMyStation) / 2)

Hmmm.... Good idea. But I'm thinking distance propogated by the signal, not
earth-surface distance. And you'd want to adjust for the effects of gravity
as the signal passes nearer the surface of the earth.

To keep it fair, I think we absolutely have to adjust for the attenuation of
the signal due to the directionality of the antenna. I should get more
points for a QRP QSO off the end of my dipole than you guys with beams get
for QSOs where you're aiming right at the station. Ditto for the receiving

I'll get started on the math unless one of you knows this off the top of
your head. We'll want to nail this down pretty quick so the logging programs
will have time to implement and test it.

K1 #1966
K2/100 #4941

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