However, my questions (finally) are these: 
> If I have a great Rx 
> only antenna won't I be able to hear many more
> stations that I probably  won't be able to work?

Maybe not many more, but certainly more if your Tx
antenna is lacking. That would be the case no matter
your power level.

Okay, so there is a
> possibility that some of 
> those stations will also have great Rx antennas and
> so between the two 
> of us we may be able to work where previously I may
> not have been able 
> to hear (and hence work) them.  But does anyone have
> any experience with 
> this and care to comment?

Sure, my previous 160M setup I used the vertical for
Rx and Tx. I though I worked KL7 (an very hopeful ESP
QSO) but it wasn't solid and I doubt he really worked
me. Using a decent Rx antenna and the same vertical, I
now have a solid QSO. I heard 8Q7 on 80M with a Rx
antenna, just could crack the pileup with 100W and
keep my rate up. Propagation is a big factor. Many
DXpeditions report one way propagation, and I'm sure
you've experienced it as well when someone is booming
in, yet hears few if any SS.
The guy I worked in
> Greece was using a 
> 1000' Beverage for the USA (one and the longest of 4
> that he had total) 
> and I think was running about 800W.  With my
> Carolina Windom at about 
> 45' that I used on both Tx & Rx I was barely able to
> copy him initially, 
> then as his signal finally improved so that I could
> copy so-so, good 
> enough to copy his callsign after enough times of
> him calling CQ or a 
> few people now and again answering him (while there
> was several big 
> pileups a few kHz above).

This is great DX, sounds like propagation was on your
side most of all. Timing is everything as well, that
window of opportunity may only have lasted 5 to 15

Catch you in the next one...
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