Ron AC7AC posted:


"When adjusting an antenna tuner, always tune up at reduced power. Ideally,

use only the minimum power needed by the SWR bridge. When faced with severe

SWR conditions such as exist while adjusting the tuner, almost any rig will

draw excessive current."


That is my experience exactly. My K2/100 with its ATU will load up just
about anything, but it will cause the MFJ 4245MV Switching Supply (rated at
about 45A) to reset itself if the ATU cannot find a good match within a few
seconds. I have the DC line to the K2 fused and have watched the P.S.
current meter during one of these 'events', but the fuse doesn't blow, nor
does the meter move above 20A. The current must be spiking for a spit second
to shut the power supply down. When first tuning up on a different band,
I'll usually drop the requested power out to about 15 watts until the match
is achieved.






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