Those running QRS need our encouragement.  It must be very lonely for them
since most of the CW ops are highly experienced and running QRQ.  If we
don't go out of our way to work them, they will -- and many probably
already have -- go back to phone or just give up after endless unanswered
CQs or endless searches for a QRS CQ.

I operate about 50% QRQ with an iambic paddle and about 50% QRS with a
straight key, usually seeking QRS CQs or sending a QRS CQ at 7050 to 7065
or 7100-7125.

Operating QRS has advantages.  With the decline of CW, it is often
difficult to find a QSO.  By being willing to work QRS stations you greatly
increase your chances of a QSO.  I often put out a CQ with the paddle and,
if no cigar, switch to the hand pump.

You meet some interesting people!  Last year I worked a new ham on his
FIRST CW QSO: yes, he actually took the time to learn the code on his own.
I work many who have been QRT for years and finally got bitten by the CW
bug again.  The record so far is a gent that had been QRT for 54 years!

It is fun!  Pounding away on my ole J-38 again is just downright enjoyable
and who cares if a QSO takes longer.

If you care about CW, the best boost you can give it, is to work the QRS
guys.  So either slow down your keyer (I have found I can't do that -- if I
try to slow the keyer down below 15 wpm, I make mistakes galore) or, better
yet, drag out ye ole pump handle and pound away.  It takes some practice to
get your pump fist back, but when you do, I'll bet your will find yourself
having a ball!

(I would encourage non-selective CQs -- if you do have the good fortune to
run into a new guy, he is probably not a member of one of the clubs.)

Viva CW!  Lee K9CM
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