
You may want to re-calibrate your KPA100 wattmeter (and also check the
calibration of your other meters).  If you have a good non-reactive dummy
load, it is really easy, but check your dummy load with an antenna analyzer
first to be certain that it will do th ejob properly at the frequency where
you will do the calibration.

Wattmeter calibration is a subject for extended discussion - just be aware
that no matter what the advertizement implies, many wattmeters can be off by
a great deal.  Look at the specs and you will normally see something like
+/-10% of full scale - what that means is on a 200 watt scale, the reading
can be off by as much as 40 watts!!! and that applies to the entire scale
too, not just the upper end.  Most are not really that bad, but some are,
and SWR can be proportionally incorrect.

I calibrate the forward power in a wattmeter by driving a non-reactive 50
ohm dummy load and measuring the RF Voltage across that load - my calculator
then tells me what the K2 display should be showing for forward power -
adjust until it agrees with the actual power calculated.  I would be willing
to wager that the resulting setting will be as accurate as the best external
wattmeter you can find on the ham market (Bird included).

After setting the forward power, I calibrate SWR on the KPA100, KAT2 and
KAT100 wattmeters  with my pair of 2:1 SWR  dummy loads - I have a
non-reactive 25 ohm dummy load and a 100 ohm dummy load.  I switch between
them and to check the null capacitor adjustment first, the SWR reading
should be the same for both loads - if not, I adjust it slightly until it is
the same - then I set the REF pot so the K2 displays the SWR as 2.0.  This
method works fine, and I believe it was first suggested by Don Brown.  The
settings for the KPA100 and KAT100 will not be veery far away from th
einitial setting suggested in the manual, but for some reason that I have
yet to explain, every KAT2 requires that the REF pot be set much higher than
the FWD pot to achieve a 2:1 display with the SWR=2 loads.

Since the KPA100 reduces power when an SWR>2 is encountered, it is
informative to know when that is likely to happen and take steps to avoid


> -----Original Message-----
> My K2/100, SN 3777 works great.  No complaints
> However, I am a bit leery of the indicated SWR.
> The indicated SWR seems to tell me that my antenna match is better in
> nearly all cases than several other SWR and power meters I have
> laying around.
> When SWR is measured using a MFJ 962 tuner, a Daiwa 101N meter, a Bird
> 43, Autek RF-1, or a MFJ 249 analyzer, the indicated SWR is always higher
> than that shown on the K2.
> For example, pressing TUNE on the K2 may indicate a 1.0:1, but the other
> meters all consistently indicate a value significantly higher - lets
> say 1.4:1
> If I happily ignore the other SWR measurement tools, and only use the K2
> SWR indications, everything still works great, I make lotsa contacts and
> all is well.
> However, at the home QTH, I do have a fairly well matched antenna, and I
> do know that it is resonant in the band segments that I work.
> Taking he K2 into the field is another question altogether.  At this
> point, I don't trust the K2 SWR readings and have been dragging along
> other SWR meters when loading a temporary or unknown antenna.
> Please advise.
> Carl

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