Yes indeed, Straight Key Night is almost upon us ! I can hardly wait to 
start pounding the brass !  There is however one thing that bothers me. The use 
of bugs and other semi-automatic apperatice for sending morse on this evening. 
And yes I know there are alot of old bugs out there that need to be dusted off 
es put into operation, but that is really not the point. I also realize that 
there are no rules per say regarding what kind of equipment can be used. But 
they don't call it straight key night fer nothing. Call me a purist, call me a 
bum, call me whatever, but PLEASE don't call one of the great traditions of 
this hobby  BUG NIGHT !  Please don't misunderstand me I have several bugs in 
my collection es enjoy using them from time to time. It's just that iv'e seen 
many a wonderful things in this hobby go by the wayside. (including morse code) 
So if you do have a straight key I urge u to use it on SKN es help keep this 
fine tradition alive.                           TNX FE
 TIME,   Gregg WB8LZG     K1 #2085  New Year's Eve is traditionally is a time 
to review the year past, and wax nostalgic. For some years amateur radio ops 
have dusted off their straight key and put it on the air. But what about other, 
perhaps more challenging antique keys of historic and nostalgic value?

Semi-automatic keys, bugs, have also been coming out of hiding on this night. 
Each year more and more have participated in SKN (Silent Key Night) with these 
keys. Last year such rare pieces were heard as: a Dow Universal Rotary bug, a 
1936 McElroy bug, a Vibroplex Upright, a Speed-X 501, a Vibroplex Midget, a 
Vibroplex Double Lever, a blue Blue Racer from 1917, a right-angle bug known as 
a Codetrol, a Melehan Variant.

There are no "rules," no limitations, no points, no exchanges. Just have fun 
sharing stories about the history of and how you came by your nostalgic key. No 
need to worry about your fist, we are all just doing what we can honoring 
something from our past.

Hope to hear you, and best wishes for your new year!

Fred - KT5X
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