And don't forget the tactile feedback provided to your fingers by the momentum 
of the weight and the arm swinging back and forth.
I suspect that those who want this haven't a clue about actually using a 
mechanical bug.

Vic K2VCO/4X6GP 

> On Dec 9, 2014, at 2:20 AM, Guy Olinger K2AV <> wrote:
> Well....
> It would be extremely hard to duplicate the "feel" and timing of a
> mechanical bug in anything electronic. The application of timing from the
> dit side on a bug is NOT linear with the code speed. The time interval to
> move the bar from not ditting to the point where it does dit is FIXED
> without any relationship to dit speed. Also the delay varies depending on
> how hard you hit the bug with your thumb. Then once the bar is moved to
> ditting, thereafter it dits at the speed based on the placement of the
> weight.
> There also is a difficult to predict minor additional delay because the end
> of the weighted bar does not move immediately, but with the buildup of
> tension in the bending point of the bar.
> If that were not enough, my Vibroplex has seven different adjustments that
> will vary one or the other or all of these mechanical delays.
> Anyone who ever learned to send perfect tape machine code with a bug simply
> got used to those delays and accommodated for them unconsciously in their
> wrist and thumb movement. Those who did not accommodate had an immediately
> recognizable "swing" to their "fist". Also, in the "fist" discussion, there
> were many that sent dits at one speed and dahs at another. The resulting
> sent CW was as easily recognizable at anyone's voice.
> On a mechanical bug, a B would send differently than a V, because the the
> dit pressure in the B would have to be advanced in timing to prevent a too
> long spacing between the dah and the first dit. Since the dah is a simple
> mechanical press, the dits are uncousciously started whenever they need to.
> In the V, the correct space between the last dit and the dah is easy.
> Someone whose muscle memory had the unconscious adjustment for all the
> mechanical issue, now using an uncompensated electronic device would find
> themselves overwriting the opening dah of the B with the dits, now being
> sent too soon.
> IMHO, someone who goes from operating a real mechanical bug to some
> electronic rube goldberg is going to stumble all over it because the
> programming to allow dits at one speed and dahs at another WITH the fixed
> bar movement delay, etc, is an expenditure of commercial funds that ain't
> gonna happen in a for-profit enterprise.
> Those of you who want to program an electronic bug WITH the appropriate
> mechanical biases employed, you go right ahead with your own time and
> money. Some of us will test it for you and see if it FEELS or SENDS like a
> bug. Then someone tell me we should put that firmware in a K3 because ???
> 73, Guy K2AV
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