After my initial report of "no obvious difference" in the receiver performance after first installing the new K3 synthesizers, I've now had the pleasure of using them in the ARRL CW DX contest on 40 meters last night. Let me preface my observations by saying that I normally run my DSP at 150 Hz bandwidth after the 5 pole 200 Hz filter. My antenna is a 1/4 wave sloper from the top of a 48' tower with a 3 element Steppir on top. After 10 PM from central Indiana last night, 40 meters was wall-to-wall signals from Northern Asia, all of Europe, Africa and even into the South Pacific. This was great real-world test conditions!

In short, there IS a difference and it IS noticeable without using lab test equipment! The reward is of being able to more easily hear really weak ( < s3 ) stations sandwiched between other louder stations, often with less than 200 Hz spacing between them. It's sometimes like the unwanted signals are just not there, even though I can watch then on the P3. The band also just sounds quieter between signals, even though there were dozens of big signals within 5 KHz of my tuned frequency. Don't get me wrong, the radio was previously very good in these types of conditions. It just seems to me to be better now! It made me smile. It's also even more obvious who's rigs have offensive transmit characteristics.

I'm really enjoying the change in my K3! It will be even more fun in the ARRL 160 contest next December.

So now I'm drinking my morning coffee and watching the snow pile up. Perfect contest weather!

Back to it...
Mike, AB9V

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