Good Evening,
I wish I could do the voice over and silhouette when I write that :) However, I had better get this written before I do a face plant into the keyboard. I got quite a workout today so I am bushed. Relaxed but tired. After attacking the house with mop and broom, the dishes with a wash cloth, and then washing all the flat surfaces in sight I went walk about in search of trees ready to burn. Luck was with me. I found a number of 8 and 10 inch diameter trees which had lost their tops due to the heavy snows of three years ago. They were quite dead and dry. My biggest problem was making them drop through the thick growth of fir limbs surrounding them. I went through three tanks of gas with our trusty Stihl but have quite a pile of wood. Getting the bucked up wood back to the house was also a good way to expend energy. I used a wheelbarrow to cart loads uphill. I think I soaked through four layers of clothing so I needed plenty of water to get the next five loads out. Tomorrow I will not cut as much but will haul as much as I can move. The weather is pretty warm now, about 60 degrees at 2000 feet and much warmer in the valley. This is due to change I was told. Tuesday the snow level will drop to near 800 feet and then again on Thursday. This will most probably snow me in so I am hoping the electricity stays on then I can solder a few circuits. If not I can always rough out the plans for an RTOS I need for my robots. That will keep me busy ;) Enough digression, I am fading and will hit the hay soon. Tomorrow we shall run ECN at our new times once again. The sun does have a few tiny specks on it but one can never tell where one's signal will land. I'll toss it out in hopes that many of you can catch it. Otherwise listen for anyone calling CQ ECN. You never can tell who will be calling the net into your location. Good luck and see what happens is all I can say.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 6pm PST)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: for further details. Thank you for the web space Dan.

See you all tomorrow,
     Kevin.  KD5ONS

To sleep, perchance to dream (of Ms. P)  << Sorry Will :) >>
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