Good Evening,
I slowly grow inured of my own cooking. I am regaining some of my lost skills though. One day I may even grow to like it :) However, I am eating well and getting used to cleaning the house, washing the dishes, and doing laundry. One of my radio friends wants to help me get a 2 wavelength 160 meter loop into the trees. I had to tell him to hold off since the precommercial thin is not yet complete. Once that is done I am ready to start stringing more wire up into the fir trees. With a tuner the loop should work from 10 meters to 160 meters with not much effort. Now if only I had a little more time to use my radio on the air! The weather has alternated from thick snow to very thick rain to a short burst of sun over the last two days. We only had five inches of snow so travel was not much impeded yesterday evening. The log trucks beat a path to within a mile of my house so Pat's car brought me home easily. The same could not be said for my truck. It needs new tires and a lot of weight in the back to make up for its lack of front wheel drive. Oregon snow is not like the snow I grew up with; it is very slippery since the temperatures barely get below freezing here let alone get cold. At forty below zero Fahrenheit (or Centigrade for that matter) snow allows one traction. I doubt it has ever gotten below zero here in the Coast Range let alone grown cold. Then the folks in Europe would not complain of our climate with their current cold snap. Hopefully that will break for them soon. In other news: we will be running the nets at their new times once again this week. Last week propagation jumped all over the place; especially during the forty meter net when Lloyd in Maryland was easy and Tom in Missouri was tough. Never can tell what is going to happen these days. Spring is on the way however and the sun is slowly returning to our latitude. I hope the bands treat us well tomorrow evening. With any luck we will hear Geoff from far off Scotland!

   Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 6pm PST)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: for further details. Thank you for the web space Dan.

Soldering each evening this week :)
   Kevin.  KD5ONS

P.S. My fingers have yet to heal so the paddles may grow slippery tomorrow night. Please forgive the flinching and slipping in my code.
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