Wow! Great tip -- totally forgot the "tap" "2" step.

My EXREF had quit some time ago and checking 10-MHz sources all tested good so I figured my "beta test" unit had given it up. Too busy to investigate further.

It stopped after I had a firmware glitch so now guessing that shut off the EXREF.

So I did the tap-2 and REF CAL showed no asterisk - uh oh. I changed 10-MHz source (I have a 4-way distribution amp) and still nothing. So "utilizing my trouble shooting skills" I decided to check the coax and found the sma connector not fully tightened at the K3. About 1/2 turn is all it took and REF * CAL with asterisk blinking and the 49.380.000 oscillator is shifting upward again compensating TCXO drift (mine tops out at about 49.380.072).

Its my belief the upward drift is from initial radio warm-up and once it reaches operating temp** is reached its fairly stable varying only a few Hz. My Beta Tests indicate my EXREF holds my K3/10 within 2-Hz at 28-MHz (which is my IF for transverter operation). I have a mw frequency counter (with internal TCXO) for checking and also a Rubidium oscillator which I use as my Frequency standard. Counter TCXO is never off 1-Hz from the Rb source. The OCXO requires adjustment about 2 times per year for long-term drift. **NOTE: I have a K3/10 so the 10w amp doesn't produce a lot of heat. When I operate in transverter mode the K3 operates at 1mw with no extra heat in Tx. If you have a K3/100 that could be different when on HF/6m.

I did find one of my four port distribution amp has no output (BNC appears loose so probably has broke off the wire inside). I have a 432 and 1296 transverter that both use a synth-PLL LO locked to 10-MHz. My source is a $45 e-bay Russian surplus OCXO.

My Point: Beware that sma must be properly tight to have good contact.

73, Ed - KL7UW
    "Kits made by KL7UW"
Dubus Mag business:

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