
As a broadcast professional, I completely agree with the need to hear one's
voice as side tone in your headset while speaking.  Not hearing this does
make one feel deaf.  This is a common feature in professional intercom
systems as well as music performance monitoring for singers and
instrumentalists and even your telephone!  It's not really a "nice to have":
In my opinion, it's a "must have".

Yes, the rig doesn't do this automatically.  Yes you have to twiddle some
knobs to get it done.  However, there is a very simple solution that allows
this feature requirement with ONE BUTTON PUSH.  Yes it requires an external
device, but it also adds additional flexibility and features for an
insignificant price vs the cost of the radio.

This device is the Behringer MIX800 modular 4 channel dual stereo input
headphone mixer.

I have had this device in my K3 audio path for 9 years now. I feed the line
out of the K3 into this device.  Since I have a KRX3, I feed the main RX
into input #1's right channel and the second receiver into the left channel.
I set the radio to give me main in both ears and second receiver in left ear
only. Since the device has two inputs, the second input is left unused and
becomes "input mute".  I don't use the radio's front panel headset jack for
headphones at all.

This device has four independent headphone level outputs with 1/4inch stereo
jacks on both the front panel and the back panel. Each channel has an
independent level control and a/b input switching.  I feed channel 1 out to
my station speakers (Yamaha self powered computer speakers) via the rear
panel jack. I feed Channel 2 to my headset via this channel's front jack. I
feed channel 3 to my audio recorder using the rear jack.  Channel 4 is
unused, but permanently wired and ready to use as an output for anything
with just a 1/4inch stereo plug.

A push button on each channel controls routing/muting to each individual
line level output feed.  When I need to mute my speakers, I press the
channel 1 button.  The green light goes out, and my speakers mute.  When I
don't need to record the output, I press the channel 3 button, the green
light goes out and the channel is muted.  If I don't want to feed my
headset, I press the channel 2 button and my headset mutes (but both the
speakers and the recorder feeds stay on if I have them selected to be on.
All four outputs can be controlled individually in any combination of on or
off state at the same time, speakers, headset, recorder and auxiliary audio
because each is individually switched.

The BEST thing about this is that each channel has its own level pot. This
means that I can have the recorder level set and vary both the speaker level
and the headset level INDEPENDENTLY. I don't run monitor very loud at all at
any time, so I don't get feedback with monitor on the speaker line when I
use speakers.  When I record I get BOTH my transmit audio AND the receiver
audio, and in SPLIT I get BOTH the TX frequency AND the receive frequency on
all recordings. An added feature is that the headset mixer has its own
BALANCE control, so I can vary the ratio of the second receiver in my left
ear only vs the level of the main receiver in BOTH ears. with one pot, yet
STILL have independent output level when I want it with the radio's
concentric AF level pot. So I can have both features on at the same time:
Not possible with just the radio, it offers either one OR the other (Balance
OR Independent receiver out on the concentric pots).

If you have a second op, you can use the fourth channel for their headset
and they then have their own individual level control separate from yours,
your speakers and your recorder AND THEY WILL HEAR YOUR VOICE as well as the
receiver output. This is nice for things like Field Day or Contesting with a

It's really the best $40USD I have ever spent on my station.  BTW,
absolutely no RF feedback into this unit on any band using my KPA500 at full
power.  No notice of its wall wart power supply in my receiver either.

I believe this device will solve this need for the rig as is.  While it
would be nice to have this all built in to the radio, its currently not, and
I believe it wouldn't be that high on the priority list for development. But
this solution is both cost effective and offers additional functionality for
a very little capital outlay.

It works for me here.  It may work for you if you require this


Lu Romero - W4LT
Tampa, FL
K-Line system since 2010



Just to point out that I didn't write that.  I suspect something's gone 
awry with the nesting.

Phil, GJ4CBQ.

On 08/04/2017 15:42, Rick WA6NHC wrote:
> I'll make two comments and no insult is intended or implied; it's an
> opinion.
> Your 'need' to hear your own voice during transmit is not a common (to
> my experience) requirement.  There is often a slight phase shift and
> it's distracting to most so they simply mute the receiver and are
> satisfied with the silence.
> If it is (as you've stated twice now) a 'common sense requirement' I
> daresay that Elecraft would have already implemented it; they're rather
> good at doing that.  Perhaps it's simple to allow, that's an unknown.
> However stridently insisting that any particular way is common sense
> that is contrary to the majority belief is not the way to endear oneself
> to those that are capable of creating a means to have it your way.
> There IS a work around and you're aware of it.  The vinegar:honey rule
> applies.  Perfection is an illusion because it's perspective based.
> Rick wa6nhc
> On 4/8/2017 2:24 AM, Richard Lamont wrote:
>> On 07/04/17 20:19, Phil, GJ4CBQ wrote:
>> When I transmit, I need to hear my own voice as sidetone in the
>> headphones, but not the speakers.
>> I want the rig to do this *automatically* without button presses, knob
>> twiddles, the use of different sockets or any external hardware. These
>> are all obvious but unsatisfactory workarounds.
>> The firmware, however, does not appear to support what seems a simple
>> and common-sense requirement.

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