Good Evening,

After a very cool, wet week the sun may come out again tomorrow. It has been a long spring this year. The Doug fir are putting on a lot of new growth but it's been too wet to take a decent walk. Hopefully the upcoming change of seasons will finally bring with it the dry period.

Static is not normally a problem here in the Pacific Northwest. Nothing like the torture of walking across carpeting and touching anything metal in Albuquerque. While building my K2 as well as my computers and robots I was grounded at all times. Even moving on my chair was enough to zap a FET. Here the mist keeps static levels very low, even in winter; but then I heat with wood which does not keep the house at tinder dry levels.

The sun has not been very active. But, then, I have been buried in a system with virtual destructors giving me fits. This is not just a memory leak, it is a veritable flood. I find debugging multi-threaded routines using interrupts easier! Hopefully the sun (and those destructors) will cooperate soon.

Please join us tomorrow on:

   14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
    7045 kHz at 0000z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

        Kevin. KD5ONS


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