I'm thinking of a second rig and that possibly being an Elecraft. Here's the deal:

1. I've been spoiled or demanding, take your pick. Before I went inactive about 10 years ago, my rig was the Kenwood TS 930 which, by all accounts, had an excellent receiver. With modest antennas, I worked over 150 WAZ zones. The ability to do relatively (or actual!) weak signal HF work with it was important. I did not get my results primarily from stacked monobanders on 20 and working pileups. That was not me and probably never will be.

2. I now have the SDR 1000 as my primary rig. This rig was an idle dream of mine ten years ago brought to life today. I love the rig. It, too, has a pretty hot receiver, among many other things. No use pretending this one won't receive the bulk of my attention, now and always.

However, the SDR 1000 is currently my only rig. I'm looking at some sort of secondary rig because there are times and places I just can't take today's SDR 1000 and there is no SDR <something else> even in prospect.

Requirements for the second rig:

1. Be able to be put it into the station as a primary rig. Obviously to even be talking about the K1 or KX1 means a little compromise here. But, (cover your eyes QRPers) there is an Ameritron 500M that I could put in-line to get something like 40 watts output if I wanted to. A compromise to be sure over the 100 I normally run (the Ameritron is mostly used to boost my RTTY signal -- seldom over 100 watts anyhow), so that isn't as compromised as it sounds. Maybe the recent sunspot down cycle will do me in, but even with what I have, I've made reliable digital contacts with 30 watts on 40 and 20 meters in 2005. That would get me by while the SDR was in the shop (SDR's maker, Flex-radio, has offered regular upgrades for reasonable prices and I'm due for another).

2. Be able to take mobile / portable / backpacking. The SDR can also be used in these roles, within limits. At a cabin with 110 VAC, the SDR works fine. In a true backpacking role, I don't think so (the wonderful SDR receiver is too power hungry, for starters). Mobile probably works with the SDR, but it seems comparatively awkward compared to something more basic, especially as this would be a car and not an RV or camper or something where the SDR would be better served. I'm not a big backpacker and so on, but I do some of it (e.g., the Boundary Waters Canoe Area) and if I bother to take the gear, I'd like to have something that hears well in addition to working well. I'm probably more likely to use the rig in that role than true automobile mobiling, on my known history.

I'd like have as many bands available as common sense allows. Interests change over time as does the sun.

Here's the pros and cons as I so far see it (but, assume maximum ignorance):

1. The K2 (if I bothered with it) would be a pretty "full out" order. Probably:

K2      K2 HF Transceiver                            599.00
KPA100  K2/100 Internal Int. Kit (w/RS232)           369.00
KDSP2   Advanced K2 DSP Filter                       219.00
KSDB2   K2 SSB Option (includes RTTY et. al.)         99.00
K160RX  K2 160M / 2nd RX antenna                      39.00
FDIMP   Finger Dimple for K1/K2                        4.50

The truth is, while this is probably what I'd want to do, this is also probably too rich for my blood for a second rig.

2.  The KX1 would be another possible choice.  Probably:

KX1     CW Xcvr          289.00
KXAT1   Internal ATU      79.00
KXB3080 30/80m adapter    65.00

3. The K1 is so far in third place, but maybe it will jump up a bit. The K2 may be too rich for my blood after all (especially for a second rig) and I would miss 17 meters. Probably:

K1-2     K1 w band 5W CW transceiver   289.00
KFL1-4   Additional Four Band Module   129.00  (all six bands, I presume)
K1BKLTKIT-X  Backlight mod kit          14.95
KAT1     Internal Auto antenna tuner    99.00
KBT1     Internal battery adapter       44.00
KNB1     K1 Noise Blanker               35.00
FDIMP   Finger Dimple for K1/K2          4.50

Still at about 630 dollars, shipped, the K1 is a bit step up in weight and price over the KX1. And, neither would allow data, which I would miss as much as SSB (actually, I wouldn't miss SSB all that much -- doing nearly none of it now -- RTTY matters, though). So, on the capability side, it would be all about operational convenience versus added weight, I assume. The main drawback of the KX1 over the K1 for me would be the loss of 17 meters. I'm mostly into DX, so losing 80 in a QRP mode would not be a big crushing loss. I don't (yet anyway) have the antenna farm to seriously think about 80 meter QRP DX.

Keep in mind, too, that I simply am not a builder. Don't waste your time suggesting it (three solder joints is a lot for me). I'd have to work with one of the builders (seems easy enough -- e-mails are pending), but it boosts these prices a bit over Elecraft list.

Obviously, I could just run out and get an old TS 430 or something for maybe 500 dollars and have done with it (and have SSB/RTTY besides), but I really do insist, these days, on the kind of receiver I've become accustomed to. So, it probably is some refinement of the above or simply doing without.

As I read through the above, the "dark horse" option might be:

1.  The K2 "not so full out after all."   Probably:

K2      K2 HF Transceiver                            599.00
KSDB2   K2 SSB Option (includes RTTY et. al.)         99.00
K160RX  K2 160M / 2nd RX antenna                      39.00
FDIMP   Finger Dimple for K1/K2                        4.50

This would be a good compromise from a money point of view, and it has all the basic capabilities in terms of bands, and has data/SSB as well. It would have the same output with the Ameritron, I presume, so would be good from that standpoint as well.

But, would it be too heavy to take on foot? Do I need the KX1 from a power point of view to even think about putting it in the pack?

Your thoughts would obviously be much appreciated. . .

Larry     WO0Z

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