Finished the building yesterday just before we had to leave to go to a concert. 
Whew! lots of tight space work! Took me a bit longer than it should have, 
because when I got to the part that says, "OK now power it up and see if your 
receiver is still working," it wasn't. Many, many passes over the board with 
the light and magnifier later, I found a solder bridge - I guess I was swinging 
the iron around a bit too vigorously while trying to hold the iron, the PCB, 
and the solder sucker all at once. After I cleared that, things went smoothly.

While I was at it, I did the TX power mod (my TX was always a bit low) and the 
L3 rewind. (Now I'm getting enough power that I need to back off just a hair on 
R4). Power is a bit lower on 80, and I can't get 20 to be lower than 40 no 
matter what I do with the L2 green winding - but I think I can be content to 
live with it. 

I just came in from the back yard, where I put my old standby 50 ft wire 
sloping into a tree, with the 50 ft counterpoise lying on the ground ( a 50 ft 
roll of speaker wire from Radio Shack, split in half) to see how the ATU would 
handle it - got an indicaed 1.1:1 SWR on 30, 1.0:1 on all other bands. Yea!

Now I'm ready for QRP To The Field a week from tomorrow!

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