FWIW: Officially (whatever that means), history records that the Morse code plain text receiving champion is Ted McElroy, of tape perforator/keyer and bug fame at 75.?? WPM, counting 5 chars as a word. (Urban?) legend has it that he was standing as the test began and the code began blasting forth. He chatted for a minute or two, lighted a cigarette, and finally sat down at the mill. He pounded out the copy, and continued pounding for several minutes after the test stopped. Obviously, if the legend is true, Ted had a good memory. I think this all took place in the '30s.

> and I'm in "the zone" (glass of wine helps), I can copy
> 50 in my head.

2 or 3 glasses of wine and I can copy several hundred WPM in my head. Just don't ask me to tell you what was sent.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
K2/100 #4398
KX1 #897

wayne burdick wrote:
107 WPM?? I knew he was fast, but wow.

On a really good day, when I've had lots of sleep, the kids are in another state, and I'm in "the zone" (glass of wine helps), I can copy 50 in my head. Don't ask me to write it down, though....

107! Sheesh.

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