W6FO wrote:

>Possible band combos on KFL1-4:
>40-m, 30-m, 20-m, 17-m
>40-m, 30-m, 20-m, 15-m

Add the following:  40m, 30m, 17m, 15m.

>30-m, 20-m, 17-m, 15-m
>80-m, 30-m, 20-m

I don't think those two are good combos without some filter redesign to allow 
20m and 30m to share the same low pass filter circuits.  Normally 40m/30m share 
one LP filter section; 20m/17m/15m share another.  You'd also have to be 
careful in re-arranging the capacitors that are switched in the RF and Premixer 
bandpass filter circuits to support these combos.

>80-m, 40-m, 30-m

>80-m, 20-m, 17-m
>80-m, 20-m, 15-m
>80-m, 17-m, 15-m

The standard KFL1-4 filter board, *as supplied* from Elecraft, can be built for 
40m/30m plus ANY TWO of the following:  20m, 17m, 15m.  I've never understood 
why Elecraft advertises the *standard* KFL1-4 as supporting 40m/30m/20m plus 
ANY ONE of the following:  17m, 15m.  It is a little more versatile than that.  
I guess the assumption is that no one would ever forgo 20m coverage.  That's 
still no reason to inaccurately describe the technical capability of the 
standard KFL1-4.

Mike / KK5F
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