Good Evening,

   The new time for the twenty meter net worked well.  Signals were clear, easy copy, even with deep QSB.  I gave one report as the range S2 to S8.  The new time for the forty meter net was not as good.  Signals had the same deep QSB but were weaker with more band noise.  Now to figure out when forty meters works better.  I am not sure whether to move it earlier or later to get the best propagation paths.

  On 14049.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

W0CZ - Ken - ND

AB9V - Mike - IN

K6XK - Roy - IA

KL7CW - Rick - AK

K4TO - Dave - KY

  On 7046 kHz at 0000z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

WM5F - Dwight - ID

W8OV - Dave - TX

   It has gotten cold enough to prevent all but the most hardy spiders from building webs.  I still get one in the face now and then.  There are some mushrooms but only a few scattered chanterelles.  Thinning trees has changed how the deer walk near the house.  The new path is only a few feet from where I am sitting.  A few days ago I was interrupted by a doe browsing on a shrub a few feet away.  She ate her way around the house from window to window.  I lost sight of her as she walked around back. I got lost in work until another ear flick out the left hand window got my attention.  Another deer.  Only this one was not acting the same.  Then I noticed two little buttons on his head. The shortest antlers I had ever seen; they just barely poked out of the fur.  He was following the scent trail of the doe not the path she had walked.  A minute or two later he was off behind the house too.

   Until next week,


            Kevin.  KD5ONS


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